600 West Cermak Road Chicago
IL 60616

Join us on |Sat., Jan. 14, 2017 10:30a – 1p CST| for our 2nd Annual Entrepreneurial Vision Board Mixer featuring guest speakers @t3lifecoaching and @flauntyourfly, two phenomenal boss women that will be giving you the necessary tools to stick to all of your 2017 goals!
Life Coach Trenity @t3lifecoaching has over 9 years of professional experience in client and office management, event planning, retail management, sales and training, leadership and social services. Her life experiences have fueled her drive and determination to help women and girls tap into their potential to create and set goals that will take them to the next level.
Nicolia “FLY” Kelly, believes cultivating and maintaining relationships with Black women is as necessary as breathing. Nicolia seeks to unite & embolden the FLY Brown girls of the world to live unapologetically on purpose & in confidence, to create a supportive & nurturing community where women are the unfettered version of themselves, while galvanizing other women to do the same.
#watchmework #godistheplug #blackgirlmagic #life #coach #trenity #women #youth #inspire #empower #goal #setting #motivate #entreprenuer #nirvana #relations #vision #board #t3lifecoach
Join some Amazing Women and start your day with Brunch as we host our Women EmPOWERment Brunch Vision Board Launch.
Hello. And Bye.