Get ready for the next live broadcasting of Sunday Sessions! Tune in to Periscope Sunday June 26th at 1PM! Life Coach Nesha and Life Coach Trenity will be discussing standards as it relates to relationships! This is the second broadcasting and we hope that you will join us! Sunday Sessions will also be a platform for viewers to interact with Life Coach Nesha and Life Coach Trenity.

As the school year approaches we know many children will need school supplies that are vital to their academic success! This school year T3 Life Coaching and Executive Behavior LLC will be sponsoring the school supplies for one lucky child! Please see rules below. Good luck!
Life Coach Trenity & Life Coach Nesha take New York! We will be in New York from 08/19/2016-08/22/2016! Let’s work!

So excited to be hosting and speaking at such an amazing event!
RQ Uniquely Presents: Event of The Arts
11/12/ 2016 11:30 AM – 4:00 PM at Ujamma Construction, 7744 S. Stony Island Ave. Chicago, IL 60649
The purpose of “The Event of The Arts” is to spread the holiday spirit as well as introduce RQ Uniquely to guests! RQ Uniquely makes customs party favors, decorations, and more! The event will include speakers, vendors, light food and beverages, music, and a raffle.
Get ready for an interactive event that will leave you inspired to create the perfect experience for any holiday or celebration!
Please contact rquniquely@gmail.com for media, vendor and sponsor inquiries! The deadline for vendor and sponsor opportunities is 11/01/2016.
#eventofthearts #event #arts #holiday #custom #officialsponsor #chicago #vendor #rquniquely #party #plan #decorate #t3lifecoach #3empoweredladies